Download Scope of comparative religion miami university 98513

Religion is the study of the beliefs and practices through which groups of people have tried to make sense of their experiences in the world. In virtually all human cultures, religion or some substitute for it has developed as an important dimension socially, politically, scope of comparative religion miami university 98513 economically. A brief glance at today's headlines will also indicate the importance of religion in current events in such places as the Middle East, Ireland, South Africa, Latin America, India, Japan, the Balkans, and the United States. Besides influencing people's behavior, religion has had enormous impact on literature, the arts, and thought. Many of the great thinkers of modern times have concerned themselves with the nature of religion. By majoring in religion, you'll scope of comparative religion miami university 98513 a great deal of flexibility in designing a program that enhances a broad liberal arts education. You will explore how such thinkers as Marx, Freud, Durkheim, and Eliade have helped shape the study of religion. You may examine the common structure of religions in different parts of the world. You may trace the development of one particular religion over time. You may study the cultural aspects of religions in different times and places. Or you may study religion together with such fields as psychology, literature, philosophy, women's studies, Black World Studies, or science to see how these fields influence and enrich each other. Because of the program's flexibility, many religion majors choose a double major. The department consists of 9 full-time faculty and approximately 50 students majoring or minoring in the program, which allows you to work closely with faculty and peers. During your first years at Miami you will also concentrate on the Global Miami Plan, a well-rounded course of study that provides you with an excellent liberal arts education. Through the Global Miami Plan, you will get a solid base in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, fine arts, and formal reasoning. Graduates of religion may enter any career that would benefit from a strong liberal arts education.

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Miami University Full Degree program Comparative Religion
Religion (Comparative) - Miami University